
Doctors working out of Health First Medical Group are all highly skilled General Practitioners who provide general and preventative medicine for patients from birth to old age. With the aim to address the health challenges of the future, including an aging population, patients with multiple comorbidities and health care issues and mental health issues.

Committed to provide patient centred, comprehensive, evidence based medical care to all patients.

GP Services.

Preventive Health Checks

Diabetes Risk Assessments

45–49-Year-Old Checks

GP Management Plans

75+ Health Assessment

Skin Checks

Mental Health Services

Men’s Health

Women’s Health

Antenatal Care

Child Health

Minor Procedures

Emergency Medical Services

Allied Health Services

Travel Health

Sexual Health

Holter Monitor

Spirometry – Lungs Check

Anti-Wrinkle Treatment

Iron Infusion

Veteran Affairs CVC Program

NDIS Application and Support

Wound Care

Occupation Health